BRUCI has nineteen (19) valid and fully operational policies that guide and inform the implementation of all the BRUCI programmes and projects. These policies include the following;
1. Human resource policy.
2. Finance policy.
3. Anti-corruption policy.
4. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism policy.
5. Conflict of interest policy.
6. Gender policy.
7. Code of conduct policy.
8. Data Protection and information measures policy.
9. Procurement policy.
10. Grants management policy.
11. Records Retention policy.
12. Reserve fund policy.
13. Security policy.
14. Whistleblowers policy.
15. Policy on the Prevention and Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment.
16. Gender Equality Policy.
17. HIV/AIDS work place policy.
18. ICT policy.
19. Membership policy.
Additionally, BRUCI has a vibrant Board of Directors Charter and Guide.