Resource Mobilization

BRUCI is undertaking a robust resource mobilization agenda. Key resources to source for are defined as financial i.e., funds from solicited and unsolicited donors, locally generated funds; Physical resources i.e., material assets, office space, land; Human resources i.e., staff, consultants, advisors, interns, volunteers, Board Members, Membership; Social resources including partners and relevant networks. To achieve this ambition, key strategies are being implemented including;

1. Building and maintaining strategic partners: We invest in mapping key strategic partners aligned to the BRUCI thematic and programmatic priorities, identify new development partners, build partnerships with private sector at local, regional and national level and we collaborate with likeminded NGOs for joint fundraising.

2. Business Hub: BRUCI adopts a social enterprise concept inspired by innovation and business culture to generate own resources using existing skills and opportunities. We offer consultancy services and run a training center with courses that enhance development practice by organizations.

3. Work with Volunteers and Interns: To boast our staffing capacity, BRUCI runs an internship and volunteer program that is bridging the gap between theory and practice for university students. This contributes to skilled workforce for the sector and employment for graduates, thus reducing the unemployment gap.

4. Membership Fees: We continue mobilizing our membership to pay their membership and subscription fees, strategically mobilize funds for the membership and collaborate with members for joint activities tapping into the diverse comparative advantages.

5. Donations: BRUCI welcomes donations from well-wishers because by donating, you become a part of the initiative to provide shelter, education, feeding and good health to the elderly, vulnerable children and young mothers. Please let’s do this together!

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